Answer the call.
Join our mission.
We are committed to welcoming dedicated men and women into our community who share our mission of forming young people, supporting families, and fostering growth in faith and education. Together, we strive to build a strong, faith-filled environment that nurtures both spiritual and academic excellence. Read our mission statement, learn about our students via our active social media accounts (Instagram and Facebook), and consider joining the St. Albert the Great Academy faculty and staff.
St. Albert's is currently accepting application documents for the following:
Applicants must submit a completed job application, cover letter, resume and Letter of Good Standing from your parish to
Note: We accept resumes throughout the school year for a classroom teacher position
for those desiring to work here!
Beautiful indeed and of great importance is the vocation of all those who aid parents in fulfilling their duties and who,
as representatives of the human community, undertake the task of education in schools.
This vocation demands special qualities of mind and heart, very careful preparation, and continuing readiness to renew and to adapt.